I'm obsessed with home decor. It is one of my favorite activities since I can remember. Even when I was like 10 years old I remember myself arraging pieces and furniture around the house just for fun, really who does that at 10? I've always wanted a place of my own where I can decorate a blank space from scratch and when I finally moved in with my boyfriend about 5 years ago it was my chance to do it. I have to say I've been very lucky because he has been very supporting and helped me through the decorating process.
Anyways, this DIY Succulent Indoor Garden is one of my favorite pieces around our home (and cheap!). It bring outdoors indoors, brightens up the space and looks so pretty and stylish. It's a great center piece, ideal for coffee tables.
Succulents are a trend right now, so that makes them very easy to get. They come in different colors, textures and sizes, and of course are the perfect plant for forgetful gardeners as myself. God only nows how many plants have been killed...
Here's what you'll need:

- A nice Planter
- Pebbles
- Soil. Any soil will work but is better if you can get special succu mix
- Gravel or more pebbles to decor. I use white pebbles for the first layer and red ones as a final layer.
- A recipient for the mess you'll be doing
You also may need:
- Gardener scissors
- A tiny shovel or a spoon
Fill the bottom of the planter with a thin layer of pebbles. I chose grinded pebbles because they are smaller and works better for smaller planters and succulents. Succulents roots don't like to sit in water so this keeps the roots above water level. if you have pots or planters with holes you can skip this step.

Arrange the way your plants will be placed. If using a variety try to think the way they vissualy complement each other, you can fill the gaps with soil. Mine is a special mix I found at the flower market. It is important to make sure to cover completely the roots and do not leave any loose soil, but not too tight. The right word I believe is "fairly loose". You can help yourselve with a spoon and your fingers.
Finally, I like to cover the soil with more pebbles or gravel. This step is totally optional but I believe it gives a cuter and cleaner look.

Style it!
Tip: Water them every 20 days or so.
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