Happy New Year 2016 everyone! How fast did 2015 go? Hope you all are having a great, fresh start. Have you done any resolutions yet? This year I wanted to set just a few and easy to stick goals that actually represents a big impact for the overall picture.
So I've chosen 9 healthy and realistic habits to share with you.
1. Drink warm lemon water every morning!
You wont believe how many benefits you'll have by adding this habit to your mornings. I did this once for a while last year, and it felt really good, so definitely I'm doing this again. So, you need to drink this first thing in the morning, about 20 minutes before breakfast. I like to do it while I'm getting ready, when there is no time to lose. Here are some of the benefits: reduces inflammation, aids digestion, helps you lose weight, gives your immune system a boost, cleanses your system and freshens your breath. Any other reason to start drinking this ASAP?

2. Eat your greens
This is the biggest healthy habit ever! Greens protect heart, reduce risk of diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer, digestive problems, lower colesterol, help fuel your body, should I keep going? This is something you just need to do! I won't lie, this is the hardest one for me, I'm not a fan. The easiest way for me is preparing a smoothie or juice them and drink this everyday, but the biggest challenge is to actually enjoy them, so I'm willing to learn new recipes that includes new ways to eat more greens.

3. Make a To-Do list
Whether you use a notebook or an electronic device, the important thing is to organize your tasks. This will improve your memory and productivity. Clasify your tasks as urgent or important, this way you can picture easily all the things you need to do instead of an unfinishing list that overwelms you and makes yourself more stressed.

3. Take your workout outside
I work from home almost everyday, so I find outdoors so refreshing. Normally I go for a run 3 times a week at the nearest park to my home and it truly improves my mood. Breathing fresh air and exposure to direct sunlight, releases endorphins. Changing your routine, seeing new faces and scenarios, combats workout boredom, plus you can workout whenever you want!. My friend Gloria says that she feels like a hamster on a wheel everytime she runs indoors and I have to agree with her.

4. Cook for yourself!
You don't need to have a friends gathering or a romantic dinner to pamper yourself. Cooking for you, is the perfect opportunity to treat you and take care of yourself with food. You're worth it!

5. Drink more water!
Your body is wise. Learn to read its signs. Drinking more water will help you to lose weight and make your skin glow. If you are not a fan, try to infuse by adding lemon or berries.

6. Don't be to hard on yourself!
Do you work your ass off everyday? You deserve to celebrate your growth! Give yourself a break. Once in a while get some rest, eat the things you love, wake up later or skip gym. Sometimes you just need it, it's part of a balanced life!

7. Save money!
You need to save at least10-20% of your net income, right? But it could be quite a challenge getting used to it from day to night. Try to start with 3% and work your way up by increasing the percentage by 1% every six months until you reach the desired level. This is better than saving nothing at all, right? In less time than you think, it will be a natural thing for you!

8. Put down your cellphone
Sometimes you just need to take a screen-free vacation, specially if you jump from one device to another. Take time for reading a (real) book everyday for at least 20 minutes (I know what you're thinking, stay away from Kindle!).

So, remember that everything you repeatedly do will become a habit after 21 days. After this, you'll be one step closer to achieve your 2016 goals.